We may not recognize it - this attack didn't arrive suddenly and viciously on a peaceful Sunday morning in December in 1941. It didn't arrive with the sickening scream of jet engines out of the clear, crisp skies of a September day in 2001. But it arrived just as assuredly - and just as viciously.
This attack started at a Presidential inauguration in January of 2009. The enemy is our own government.
Over two centuries ago, a group of men wrested their freedom from an oppressive master in a bloody and protracted war of independence; they fought and died for liberty, and the God-given right of men to live free, to work for themselves and for no other, and to keep for themselves and their families the fruits of the labor.
To insure that freedom not only for their children and grandchildren, but for posterity, they drafted for us a set of rules - rules which would limit the power of the new federal government they were creating. Rules that protected the rights of individuals, and individual states, from the danger of a tyrannical consolidation of power.
Rules they called the Constitution of the United States of America.
Underlying every war that our nation has ever fought, and every drop of blood spilled on her behalf by every son and daughter, was the protection of that document. We were created as a nation of laws, not of men, and we meant to stay that way.
Now our Constitution is under the most insidious kind of attack. It is being destroyed by men who, under guise of offering a helping hand, steal a little bit of our freedom, our liberty and our individuality every time they enact a law or impose a regulation under the banner of “change.” And bit by bit, they are trying to conquer the soul of our country.
Our professional military cannot protect us now. Just as in our fight for independence centuries ago, the soldiers on the front lines of this battle will be ordinary citizens; citizens for whom liberty is as necessary for life as oxygen - they cannot live without it. Citizens who believe that the Constitution is a document so noble, and so necessary, that it must be defended at all costs.
Are you one of them? Join us on September 12, 2009. We are taking the battle for the soul of America to Washington D.C. We will tell our government, up close and in person, that if they continue to dismiss and ignore the protections guaranteed to us by the Constitution of the United States, they will no longer be our government.