The corruption of the American electoral process continues unabated, as the federal government yet again rides roughshod over the states.
From today's IBD editorial:
The Justice Department has told Georgia that the state cannot impose its proof-of-citizenship requirements at the ballot box.The rule of law is being abandoned in bits and pieces - but like a frog floating contendedly in a pot of water, the average American citizen is paying little or no attention as the heat is being turned up in small but steady increments. The Obama administration's ultimate goal? To boil away our liberties before we can make the leap to freedom.
The order came only days before it was reported that Justice had decided in the middle of May it would drop a complaint against three members of the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense.The men, who reportedly uttered racial slurs while dressed in paramilitary clothing, had been accused of intimidating voters on Election Day last year at a Philadelphia precinct.
The Washington Times says that "political appointees" at Justice "overruled career lawyers and ended a civil complaint." Federal authorities had charged King Samir Shabazz, who carried a nightstick at the voting precinct, Malik Zulu Shabazz and Jerry Jackson of violating the 1965 Voting Rights Act.
That same Justice Department told Georgia last week that it cannot check Social Security numbers and driver's license data to confirm U.S. citizenship of prospective voters. The department reasoned that the state's system was often inaccurate and has a "discriminatory effect."
But what could be more inaccurate than having no system at all to confirm that the people voting in American elections are truly Americans? We have to agree with Georgia Secretary of State Karen Handel, who said that "politics took priority over common sense and good public policy."
Yet it appears that Justice wants to make sure noncitizens have the same access to the American ballot box as citizens, and either doesn't care where that leads or is part of an attempt to make transformational changes to the U.S. system of government.
That same federal department, by dropping the case against members of the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, has also clearly indicated that groups willing to resort to violence, both real and implied, to hijack elections are free to harass Americans on their way to the voting booth.
This cannot be rushed - to do it, they need to maintain perpetual power. To do that, they need to control the voting process in a way that appears to be democratic, but is, in reality, rigged in their favor. Hence the DOJ ruling.
And by the way, where is the criminally negligent "Watchdog of Democracy" media on this subject? We'll discuss that soon.