Sounds dramatic, I know, but consider that never in the history of American law-making has the federal government ever mandated the purchase of anything.
Until now.
Passage of this bill will force every American to buy health insurance. For most of us reading this, the money that we use to “buy” something comes from our labor – OUR labor, not someone else’s. We trade the work product of our muscles or intellect for money, in a free exchange with our employer or employees. If the federal government forces you to buy something, it is compelling you to wake up and go to work some morning not to earn money for your own purposes, but to satisfy a bureaucrat’s vision of what he thinks is in the best interests of you and the nation.

Your crime? Failure to turn your property, the sweat of your brow, over to a federal bureaucrat. In an earlier part of our country’s history, when a man was compelled at the point of a gun to work for the benefit of another, it was called slavery. It is still slavery today.
We expect our government to protect us from those that would enslave us.
How’s that for irony?
I have never asked anyone to send something I wrote to another, but I think it would be a good thing to make as many Americans aware of this as possible; if you agree, forward this to your email list.
If you’re a Staten Islander, or a Brooklynite living in parts of Bay Ridge or Bensonhurst, your Representative is Michael McMahon. Congressman McMahon has indicated lately that he is leaning towards voting for the bill. We have little time to persuade him not to. Here is where to contact him:
Congressman McMahon in D.C.:
Phone (202) 225-3371
Fax: (202) 226-1272
Congressman McMahon in Staten Island:
Phone (718) 351-1062
Fax: (718) 980-0768
Please call and fax.
Let him know that if he votes in favor of this bill, he will be supporting a massive intrusion of government into our lives.
Let him know that if he votes in favor of this bill, he is voting to forever change America – not to become a greater country, but to become a lesser one.
Let him know that if he votes in favor of this bill, he is voting to kill the rugged individualist spirit of Americans.
Let him know that if he votes in favor of this bill, he will be complicit in the bankrupting of the United states of America, the richest and most powerful nation in the world.
Let him know that we do not want any form of socialized medicine – it has failed wherever it has been tried – and it will fail here.
And finally, let him know that he will be held accountable for his votes.