Friday, May 15, 2009

Ms. Pelosi, It's HAMMERTIME!

We have so much more intellectual firepower than the Left it is absolutely stunning.

One of the brightest stars in our firmament is, of course, Charles Krauthammer, a NYC-born, Canadian-raised, Harvard-Medical-School-educated genius. A diving accident while in med school left him paralyzed for life, but Charles continued his studies during a full year in the hospital and went on to graduate with his class.

The celebrated Dr. K was at one time, surprisingly, a speech-writer for Walter Mondale.

In this video he critiques the latest bit of stagecraft from that now-famous supergroup Nancy Pelosi and the Dissemblers - a press conference in which Ms. Pelosi skips, trips, stumbles and gavottes so clumsily around the truth it is positively dizzying. One can only imagine the hue and cry if this had been a Republican event.

"Her charge of the CIA lying to her is utterly implausible. Why would it lie to her and tell all the others the truth? It makes no sense at all; and it was refuted by the black and white Obama CIA memo –– not a memo out of the Prince of Darkness: Bush and Cheney; but Obama CIA –– would show that in the briefing in which she says none of this simulated drowning occurred, they had specifically told her about the Enhanced Interrogation Techniques that had been used on a prisoner, obviously, a month earlier."