While the United States constitution is sacrificed on the alter of globalism, the Democrat Party is sending out solicitations. The most recent one asks contributors for $202, the cost of a one-way ticket to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. "We need to help him [Cheney] off the national stage and back home to Wyoming. Please take a look at the itinerary we put together and then chip in to get him on a Greyhound bus out of town."
With the able assistance of the MSM, Obama is rapidly pursuing the change that he promised. Slow-witted as I am, I have finally come to realize that he makes no policy "mistakes" that might threaten his re-election - all his policy decisions are calculated to usher in a new era of American socialism. The constitution be damned; he knows that if he gets more than 50% of the voting population to be government-dependent, his party will never lose another election.
However, for the time being, it helps to "pick a target, isolate it, paralyze it and destroy it," as he learned from Saul Alinsky. This is the equivalent of the gladiatorial games used so effectively by the Roman emporers to distract the masses. The flavor-du-jour is Cheney.